Nashville Tornado Update & How To Help

Nashville Tornado Update & How To Help

Nashville is where we call home and it broke our hearts to see the damage the Tornadoes recently did.

We ask for your continued prayers or just even a moment of silence to reflect on how many lives were changed during this event. We drove through East Nashville / Five Points to see everything and help how we could. It was Tuesday night. A part of town that is usually so busy and vibrant was quiet, dark, and desolate.

Pictures of the damage do not to it justice. The only lights for miles were the blinding blue lights of police cars patrolling the area. It was very eerie.

Lives were lost that night. But, amidst the sadness is an amazing community of Nashville that was worked wonders to aid anyone in need in such a short amount of time. Volunteers cleaning up, restaurants giving away food, people just donating time and money and anything to help.

 It is absolutely amazing to see the Nashville community come together like that. Nashville, we love you so much and you are going to be okay.

Below are some of the restaurants know and love that were damaged during the tornado. Towards the bottom of this article are ways to help get our beloved city back! And also don’t forget about the other counties in Tennessee that were affected by the tornado.

@highgardentea on instagram
before and after

Above is a picture of High Garden Tea. High Garden’s teas are so amazing, and many coffee shops and restaurants in the Nashville Area serve their tea. Their tea shop was a gem in Nashville, and it looked like an underground wonderland with tons of shelves filled with books and tea. If you want donate to help rebuild their shop, here is the link:

Photo creds: @van.alive (Instagram)
Photo creds: @burgerup (Instagram)

Burger Up is a beloved restaurant in East Nashville who faced extensive damage during the tornado, and they are working extremely hard to rebuild!

Photo creds: @urbanwinerynashville
Photo creds: @urbanwinerynashville

Urban Winery Nashville is another place that faced damage. These are only three of many restaurants in Nashville that had damage during the tornado, but there are so many other restaurants and residences that suffered damage as well. You can find a full list of restaurants that suffered damamge here:

Pic creds: @nicolettospasta
Pic Creds: @edleysbbq
Pic Creds: @redheadedstrngr
Pic Creds: @thegrilledcheeserie

Many restaurants have also helped every way that they can by giving out free food to those affected by the storm and the first responders. Some restaurants that have been helping out are: Nicolettos (1), Edleys bbq (2), Red Headed Stranger (3), The Grilled Cheeserie(4). These restaurants were sharing updates and sending their love through social media as well as shown above!

Pic Creds: @margotcafe

Margot’s community cafe is also doing its fair share by helping feed the community saying this on their social media:

“Calling all East Siders! We have been feeding the community for nearly 19 years and that won’t stop in our neighborhoods time of need. We have power and we want to give all of you a chance to have a meal, take a break, visit with friends and come together as the amazing community we have enjoyed serving all this time. We are all cleaned up and almost ready to be back in business, but others in the area were not as fortunate so we will be raising funds for hospitality employees in the neighborhood whose buildings didn’t fare as well as ours. Contribute if you can or just show up and take a pause. We’ve all been through so much in the last few days. Walk if you can as roads are still closed as the community recovers. (@margotcafe)”

Many restaurant staff are still out of work due to the tornado, so you can donate to help them here.

If you want to help further, you can sign up to volunteer with Hands On Nashville here! 

Thanks so much for all your thoughts, prayers, donations, and time given to help rebuild Middle Tennessee. You are amazing!